
Friday, May 22, 2009

Exclusive: Jokes 1.0 Collection of more than 11000 jokes!

This jokes software containing 11000 jokes can only be found on the Jokesline site now, as even the official site is reporting a 'File Not Found' error.

This software contains 4614 jokes in English and the rest in Romanian. So, like me, if you didn't know that Romanian was a language and not a person from Rome, then this software has only 4614 jokes for us. :(

Some jokes are good and some are not. I recommend downloading this only if you are desperate for a large jokes software.

Warning: Some jokes might contain adult content.


A lieutenant was brilliant in military matters, but lacked a few social graces. One day he called a soldier in to the office and said "Kramer, your grandmother died."

The soldier fell apart. After he left, the colonel told the lieutenant, "You could have been a little more tactful. I have some books at home that could help you."

The lieutenant read the half-dozen books lent him by the colonel and was ready for the next crisis. Private Taylor's grandfather had passed away.

The next morning, at reveille, the lieutenant said, "Men, how many of you have a grandfather still living? Not so fast, Private Taylor!"

Download Link:


Anonymous said...

Romanian is spoken in Rome, they speak Italian in Rome...


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